The Distinctive Aspects of Leonardo Da Vinci's Work or His Inventions


Leonardo da Vinci (15 April, 1452 – 2 May, 1519) was an Italian Resurgence man: inventor, painter, engineer, musician, sculptor, mathematician, architect, cartographer, anatomist, geologist, writer, and botanist. His genius, possibly more than any other, exemplified the Renaissance humanist epitome. He often was labeled as the prime example of the Resurgence man, a person of "unquenchable inquisitiveness" as well as "enthusiastically inventive mind". He is widely regarded as one of the best painters and maybe the most distinctly talented person to ever have lived. According to Helen Gardner an art historian, the depth and scope of his likings were without practice and "his personality and mind seemed superhuman, the man himself remote and mysterious". In addition, it is claimed that despite the various assumptions about Da Vinci, his world vision was basically logical rather than enigmatic, and that the experiential methods he engaged in were rare during his time.

Da Vinci was born out of marriage to a lawyer, and a laborer woman, Caterina, in Vinci within the Florence region, Leonardo got his education in a studio of the well-known Florentine painter Verrocchio. Most of his early working life was done in Milan with the guidance of Ludovico IL Moro. He later on went to work in Bologna, Venice and Rome, and spent his remaining years in France.

Leonardo is, and was well-known mainly as a painter. Amongst his works, included the Mona Lisa painting of which is the most well-known and most imitated painting, as well as The Last Supper of which is the most religiously reproduced painting ever, with their prominence coming close to only Michelangelo's Adam Creation. Da Vinci's painting of the Man of Vitruvian is also considered as a cultural icon that has been reproduced on several items such as textbooks, the euro coin, and T-shirts. There are about fifteen of Leonardo's paintings that have survived because of his continuous, and regularly catastrophic, experimentations with new methods, and his prolonged postponement. However, several of these works as well as his notebooks, which contained scientific diagrams, drawings, and his views on the method of painting, influenced artists of later generations matched by only that of his existing, Michelangelo.

Da Vinci is admired for his technological inventiveness. He conceptualized a tank, flying machines, concentrated solar power, the double hull, and the calculator; he also outlined the theory of rudimentary plate tectonics. Comparatively few of his designs were made during his lifetime, but several of his smaller inventions, like the automated bobbin winder as well as the testing machine for the stretchable wire strength, entered the manufacturing world unheralded. Leonardo made significant discoveries in civil engineering, anatomy, optics, as well as hydrodynamics, but failed to publish any of his findings of which had no direct impact on later science.

In conclusion, Leonardo Da Vinci, although he made tireless efforts in teaching himself and becoming knowledgeable in natural sciences, languages, philosophy, history, and mathematics, as a mere listing of the comprehensive contents of his library reveals, he stayed an empiricist of pictorial observation. But then again – thanks to his brilliance – he established his own "theory of knowledge," distinctive in its nature, whereby science and art form a synthesis. In the overall face of Leonardo Da Vinci's achievements of creative brilliance, the question of how much he completed or did not complete becomes meaningless. The heart of the matter is his intellectual force – independent and characteristic in every one of his creations. This force has stayed constantly operational to the present day.


Source by Eric Mwebe

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